Thursday, October 19, 2006

That is my name

I guess you are kind of curious as to who I am, but I am one of those who do not have a regular name. My name depends on you. Just call me whatever is in your mind.

If you are thinking about something that happened a long time ago: Somebody asked you a question and you did not know the answer.
That is my name.

Perhaps it was raining very hard.
That is my name.

Or somebody wanted you to do something. You did it. Then they told you what you did was wrong- “Sorry for the mistake,”- and you had to do something else.
That is my name.

Perhaps it was a game that you played when you were a child or something that came idly into your mind when you were old and sitting in a chair near the window.
That is my name.

Or you walked someplace. There were flowers all around.
That is my name.

Perhaps you stared into a river. There was somebody near you who loved you. They were about to touch you. You could feel this before it happened. Then it happened.
That is my name.

Or you heard someone calling from a great distance. Their voice was almost an echo.
That is my name.

Perhaps you were lying in bed, almost ready to go to sleep and you laughed at something, a joke unto yourself, a good way to end the day.
That is my name.

Or you were eating something good and for a second forgot what you were eating, but still went on, knowing it was good.
That is my name.

Perhaps it was around midnight and the fire tolled like a bell inside the stove.
That is my name.

Or you felt bad when she said that thing to you. She could have told it to someone else: Somebody who was more familiar with her problems.
That is my name.

Perhaps the trout swam in the pool but the river was only eight inches wide and the moon shone on iDeath and the watermelon fields glowed out of proportion, dark and the moon seemed to rise from every plant.

That is my name.

Richard Brautigan, From the book “In watermelon sugar” 1968


به گمانم از خودت می­پرسی من کیستم، ولی من یکی از آنهایی‌ام که نام عادی ندارند. نام من به تو وابسته است. هر جور به ذهنت می­آید صدایم کن.
اگر درباره‌ی چیزی که خیلی وقت پیش اتفاق افتاده فکر می‌کنی: کسی از تو سوالی پرسید و تو جوابش را نمی‌دانستی.
نام ِ من همان است.

احتمالا باران ِ خیلی تندی می‌بارید.
نام ِ من همان است.

یا کسی از تو کاری خواست. تو انجامش دادی. بعد به تو گفتند کاری که کردی اشتباه بود - "در مورد اشتباه متاسفم" - و باید کار دیگری می­کردی.
نام ِ من همان است.

احتمالا بازی‌یی بود که وقتی بچه بودی می‌کردی یا چیزی بی­دلیل به ذهنت آمد، وقتی پیر بودی و روی یک صندلی نزدیک پنجره نشسته‌بودی.
نام ِ من همان است.

یا در جایی قدم می­زدی. دور و برت پر از گل بود.
نام ِ من همان است.

احتمالا به یک رودخانه خیره شدی. نزدیکت کسی بود که دوستت داشت. نزدیک بود که لمست کنند. می‌توانستی قبل از وقوع حسش کنی. بعد واقع شد.
نام ِ من همان است...


از کتاب " در قند هندوانه "، ریچارد براتیگن

Thursday, January 26, 2006

In the Cathedral



کشيش گفت:« درباره ی دادگاه خودت را فريب می دهی. در نوشته هايی که در پيشگفتار قانون می آيند، آن فريب اين طور وصف شده است: ء

جلوی قانون دربانی ايستاده است. مردی روستايی پيش اين دربان می آيد و تقاضای ورود به قانون می کند. ولی دربان می گويد که فعلا نمی تواند به مرد راه دهد. مرد فکری می کند و می پرسد که آيا پس بعداً اجازه خواهد يافت وارد شود. دربان جواب می دهد: (ممکن است، اما نه فعلا.) از آنجا که در منتهی به قانون هميشه باز است و دربان کنار می کشد، مرد خم می شود تا از تا از ميان در ورودی توو را نگاه کند. دربان که اين را می بيند، می زند زير خنده و می گويد:(اگر اين همه برايت کشش دارد، سعی کن بدون اجازه ی من بروی توو. اما توجه کن که من نيرومندم. و من فقط فروترين دربانم. از تالاری به تالاری، دربانهايی دم هر در ايستاده اند، يکی نيرومندتر از ديگری. وقيافه ی مرد سوم جوری است که من خودم تاب ديدنش را ندارم.)....ء

مرد روستايی تصميم می گيرد که صبر کند تا اجازه ی ورود بگيرد و روزها و سالها نزد نگهبان به انتظار می نشيند تا هنگام مرگ. پيش از مردنش، همه ی آنچه در تمام مدت اقامتش تجربه کرده است در ذهنش به صورت يک سؤال خلاصه می شود که هنوز از نگهبان نپرسيده است...[می پرسد:] (همه می کوشند که به قانون دست يابند؛ پس چطور می شود که در همه ی اين سالها جز من هيچ کس به طلب ورود نيامده؟) دربان پی می برد که مرد به پايانش نزديک می شود و شنواييش را از دست می دهد، پس در گوشش نعره می کشد که: جز تو هيچ کس نمی تواند وارد اينجا شود، چون اين در تنها برای تو بود. حالا می روم و می بندمش ...ء

برگرفته از محاکمه اثر کافکا

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Tu risa

نان را از من بگير ، اگر می خواهی
هوا را از من بگير ، امّا
خنده ات را نه
بخند بر شب
بر روز ، بر ماه
بخند بر پيچاپيچ خيابانهای جزيره
بر اين پسر بچه ی کمرو که دوستت دارد

امَا آنگاه که چشم می گشايم و می بندم
آنگاه که پاهايم می روند و باز می گردند
نان را ، هوا را
روشنی را ، بهار را
از من بگير
امَا خنده ات را هرگز
تا چشم از دنيا ببندم
پابلو نرودا


Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Fat, balding and talentless

Charlie is upset because he is convinced he is worthless. Fat, balding, sweaty and talentless

I'm pathetic, I'm a loser. I have failed, I am panicked. I've sold out, I am worthless, I... What the fuck am I doing here? What the fuck am I doing here? Fuck. It is my weakness, my ultimate lack of conviction that brings me here. Easy answers used to shortcut yourself to success. And here I am because my jump into the abysmal well - isn't that just a risk one takes when attempting something new? I should leave here right now. I'll start over. I need to face this project head on and...

Do I have an original thought in my head? My bald head. Maybe if I were happier my hair wouldn't be falling out. Life is short. I need to make the most of it. Today is the first day of the rest of my life. I'm a walking cliché. I really need to go to the doctor and have my leg checked. There's something wrong. A bump. The dentist called again. I'm way overdue. If I stop putting things off I would be happier. All I do is sit on my fat ass. If my ass wasn't fat I would be happier. I wouldn't have to wear these shirts with the tails out all the time. Like that's fooling anyone. Fat ass. I should start jogging again. Five miles a day. Really do it this time. Maybe rock climbing. I need to turn my life around. What do I need to do? I need to fall in love. I need to have a girlfriend. I need to read more and prove myself. What if I learned Russian or something, or took up an instrument. I could speak Chinese. I'd be the screenwriter who speaks Chinese and plays the oboe. That would be cool. I should get my hair cut short. Stop trying to fool myself and everyone else into thinking I have a full head of hair. How pathetic is that. Just be real. Confident. Isn't that what women are attracted to? Men don't have to be attractive. But that's not true. Especially these days. Almost as much pressure on men as there is on women these days. Why should I be made to feel I have to apologize for my existence? Maybe it's my brain chemistry. Maybe that's what's wrong with me. Bad chemistry. All my problems and anxiety can be reduced to a chemical imbalance or some kind of misfiring synapses. I need to get help for that. But I'll still be ugly though. Nothing's going to change that.